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Worship Services

On line services from other churches in Eastbourne:

(Linked to the last date that is available)

Emmanuel Church, Eastbourne (14th July - skip 5mins)  Click Here


Gateway Church, Eastbourne (7th July - 14th n/a) 

Click Here

Victoria Baptist Church (14th July - skip 5mins)  - Click Here

All Souls Church, Eastbourne (14th July- skip 7mins) -

Click here

All Saints Church, Eastbourne (14th July - skip 5 mins) -

Click Here

Christchurch, Hailsham (7th July - 14th n/a) -

Click Here


Community Church Eastbourne (14th July) - Click Here

From other parts of the country:


Hadleigh Baptist Church, Suffolk (14th July - skip 3mins) - Click Here


Cornerstone Methodist Church, Wigton, Cumbria -

(14th July - skip 11mins)  - Click Here

BROADWAY UNITED Church - Sunday Services - 10am

   21st July - Rev’d Memona Shahbaz 

28th July - Rev’d David Laskey 

  4th August - Mick Mulley - All Age Worship

11th August - Rev’d Memona Shahbaz  -  Communion

18th August - Elizabeth Beattie

25th August - John Goodway

Welcome to Broadway United Church, Eastbourne
Broadway United Church, The Broadway, Lindfield Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 0AS

               Rev Paul Tabraham
               Rev Memona Shahbaz  
(01323 739785)

Copyright  Broadway United Church 2022